Citrus Sunrise: My 3-Month Journey with Lemon Water

Shoumya Chowdhury
3 min readOct 26, 2023


Every morning, as the first rays of the sun broke through the horizon, I reached for a fresh lemon. Slicing it open, the zesty aroma wafted through the air, immediately awakening my senses. A squeeze into a glass of lukewarm water and my day began with a burst of citrus.

Lemon Water

The first few days were challenging. My taste buds, accustomed to a morning jolt of caffeine, resisted this new ritual. But with each passing morning, they started to crave the tangy refreshment. By the end of the first week, the ritual had become a cherished routine.


  1. Hydration Boost: The first noticeable change was my hydration levels. The combination of water and lemon made it easier for me to meet my daily water intake goals. I felt more refreshed and less sluggish throughout the day.
  2. Improved Digestion: Within the first month, I realized that my digestive system had become more regular. The bloating reduced significantly, and I felt lighter.
  3. Glowing Skin: By the end of the second month, there was a noticeable change in my complexion. My skin looked brighter, felt softer, and had a natural glow. The vitamin C in the lemons, combined with the hydration, seemed to be working wonders.
  4. Weight Management: While I didn’t embark on this journey for weight loss, by the third month, I noticed my jeans fitting a little looser. The daily dose of lemon water seemed to aid my metabolism, keeping those pesky extra pounds at bay.
  5. Elevated Mood: The simple act of dedicating time for self-care every morning uplifted my spirits. The routine made me feel centered, ready to take on whatever the day threw at me.
Positives of Lemon Water


  1. Tooth Enamel Erosion: One downside I observed was a slight sensitivity in my teeth. A visit to the dentist confirmed that the citric acid from the lemons was eroding my tooth enamel. I started drinking my lemon water with a straw to mitigate this.
  2. Occasional Heartburn: Some days, especially when I went overboard with the lemon quantity, I experienced heartburn. It was a clear sign that moderation was key.
  3. Dependency: While not necessarily a negative, I became quite dependent on my morning ritual. On days I missed it, I felt incomplete and out of balance.
Negatives of Lemon Water

As I reflect on these three months, I realize that the journey with lemon water was more than just a health experiment. It became a symbol of commitment, discipline, and self-love. While it’s essential to be aware of the negatives, the benefits I reaped far outweighed them.

Would I recommend this to others? Absolutely. But like every journey, it’s vital to find your balance and listen to your body. Here’s to many more mornings of citrus sunrises!



Shoumya Chowdhury

An enthusiast blogger with passion in Lifestyle blogging. Love to write on what to eat, what to wear, where to travel and so on.